During a recent review of a 16 story hospital project modeled in Revit, our Support team found something with potential to cause untold difficulties down the road. The issue would have gone completely unnoticed until problems arose if our tool Ideate BIMLink had not caught it.
The project consists of more than 500 Doors. When we created a Door link using Ideate BIMLink, we found that the ‘Link Properties’ list was showing two ‘Mark’ parameters instead of one. How could this be? The Revit schedule parameter list showed only one ‘Mark’ parameter.
Upon further review, we discovered that the information contained in the ‘Mark’ column was identical in all the Door instances except for those under one particular Door family. We began to investigate that Door family.
When we opened that particular Door family for editing, we found that someone had inserted a duplicate ‘Mark’ parameter into the family. Ideate BIMLink was picking up on the duplicate. Once the duplicate ‘Mark’ parameter was discovered, we could delete to avoid a host of conflicts and issues downstream in the project model.
We routinely use Ideate BIMLink here at Ideate, Inc. to run quality checks on Models as part of our health check service, and it is proving to be quite a useful tool in conducting these checks.

LEED AP, AEC Solutions Application Specialist
Shruti holds a Master of Science degree in Architectural Computing from University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom and is LEED accredited. Her experience includes working in Architecture and Construction firms in India and the United Kingdom as well as Structural Engineering firms in the Bay Area providing design, 3D modeling and drafting services. At Ideate, Shruti provides training and support for Revit Architecture, Revit Structure, 3ds Max, Ecotect and AutoCAD Architecture.
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