May 30, 2012

Autodesk Navisworks 2013: New Features Focus

Teresa Martin, Senior Application Specialist, Ideate, Inc. reviews the best of the new features in Navisworks 2013.

Autodesk Navisworks 2013 has some fantastic enhancements this year. Two of the best new features are native Revit support (no more exporting via NWC from Revit!) and the display of levels and grids from Revit in a scene view. Both features have been high on user’s wish lists and this year Autodesk’s Navisworks team has delivered. The grids and levels can be turned on per level or all levels and can also be ghosted on levels above or below the designated level. For Navisworks project teams whom have been struggling with this issue by making their own 3D grids in either Revit or AutoCAD, this will be a most welcome feature.

Additional features that are worth a look are as follows:
  • Clash results that include locations by level as well as the grid reference.  Further, clash results may be sorted by level, proximity as well as grid location!
  • Costs can now be added to scheduled tasks in Timeliner
  • Ability to drag and drop search and/or selection sets directly into the task manager in Timerliner!  Huge time savings for creating simulations!
  • New Selection Inspector Tool for finding objects.
  • Vault integration
  • Additional file support for Primavera P6 v8, Archicad 14 and 15 as well as Faro 4.8.
See Ideate’s YouTube Playlist featuring Navisworks and a bevy of the new Autodesk 2013 software solutions.

Don’t forget to look through other great features our Ideate Technical Team has found in the new 2013 releases for Revit Architecture, Revit MEP, Revit Structure, Civil 3D, AutoCAD and more:

Teresa Martin
AEC Solutions Application Specialist

Teresa is a graduate of Cornell University and has over 20 years experience in the architectural and construction industry. She has spent her career pursuing her interest in 3D modeling and computer-aided-design having worked alternately as a designer, project manager, CAD manager, 3D modeler and educator. Teresa currently develops curriculum and customized content as an Revit Implementation Expert. As a trainer in Revit, Navisworks, and Ecotect, Teresa brings her real-world experience to the classroom.

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