September 21, 2009

Study in Success - TLCD Architecture (Part 3 excerpt)

TLCD Architecture and the “I” in the Future of BIM

Excerpt from Ideate Study in Success
Part Three of a Three Part Series

As TLCD looks to its future, the firm pays close attention to the “I” in BIM. Information only increases in importance, for a number of reasons.

Revit provides realism early.

In Revit, even at a very early design stage, the TLCD design team can create highly detailed, realistic and precise room diagrams, establish an accurate envelope for the building then enjoy the flexibility of moving the diagrams easily, arranging them to establish correct adjacencies.

Revit generates statistics toward funding.

Agencies want and need to know how efficient the building is and how much square footage is dedicated to various areas. TLCD is able to imbed pertinent statistics about the project into the model.

Revit encourages collaboration with live updates.

The TLCD design team orchestrates the work of consultants in harmony. Revit allows TLCD architects to communicate interactively with consultants via GoToMeeting. All contribute to a common accessible model simultaneously.

Revit provides a realistic, constant reference point.

Decisions are made and implemented throughout the model with the updated effects visible immediately. Everyone involved knows what the whole project looks like. The model is realistic and has a level of detail that resembles construction.

In the pre-Revit world, information of interest to the mechanical/electrical/plumbing engineers who need to know adjacencies, statistics, characteristics and important specific features, used to reside in a cumbersome-to-change, inconvenient-to-access Program Document. With Revit, the information imbedded in the model is available instantly to everyone involved in the project no matter where they are located and is also accessible later to those who own and operate the building.

TLCD envisions a seamless future with Revit. With the modeling capabilities of Revit, TLCD is able to design buildings that would have been future fantasy with pre-BIM technology. Integration of BIM into the design process opens new possibilities for a seamless transition between design and fabrication, between designer and fabricator. The firm looks forward to a not too distant future when interoperability permits the Revit model to guide the machining and manufacturing processes for building elements.

As Guy Messick, TLCD Director of Design Technology says, “Design is an innovative process to determine the best way to arrange elements, and Revit is the tool that TLCD uses to implement the design.”

To read the complete text of the Ideate Study in Success

To learn more about TLCD Architecture

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