September 16, 2009

Autodesk Subscription Center Tour

Autodesk Subscription gives you a clear advantage. Ideate, Inc. can help you renew your Subscription – ensuring that you continue to get the most out of your Autodesk software.

- Lower Cost
- Exclusive Downloads
- Easier Upgrades
- Greater Expertise
- Flexible Licensing

If you have already renewed, but haven’t yet explored the Autodesk Subscription Center, where some of your most valuable privileges and opportunities as a subscriber reside, here’s a great opportunity.

Attend either of two Autodesk Subscription Center Tour Webcasts on Wednesday, September 23. During the 30-minute virtual tour, Emily Crane, Autodesk Worldwide Subscription Sales Support Representative, will acquaint you with the privileges and benefits of your Autodesk Subscription and show you how to get the most from the Subscription Center. Afterward, there will be a full half-hour devoted to answering subscriber questions.

Here is your Autodesk Subscription Center Tour sign-in information:

Morning Session: 9:00 a.m. PDT
Meeting ID: ASTC_AM
Meeting Key: Audience
Audio: toll-free 1-866-814-7241
Participant code: 4505086

Afternoon Session: 12:00 PM PDT
Meeting ID: ASCT_1
Meeting Key: Audience
Audio: Toll-free: 1-866-814-7241
Participant code: 4505086

See you there!

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