March 24, 2009

NavisWorks - OE's for Bentley

Many of us have heard that NavisWorks can open Bentley files. This is super cool! However, if you have used NavisWorks before, you probably know that you need OE's (Object Enablers) to open files from software you do not have installed on your computer. You will notice that you need the OE, when you bring in a file and it appears all wireframe. You can go to View>Scene Statistics to see if you are missing any OE's.

Where are the Bentley OE's?? Well they are not super easy to find. My colleague, Ron Palma, discovered where they are after some major googling around. After witnessing his frustration, I thought I should post these steps to try and alleviate others from the same.

First, go to this link. Here, you will have to fill out a user registration form. (ughhh!). Once you have a U/N and P/W, go back to that first link and login. Then you will see this:

Leave everthing as shown, and hit SEARCH, it will take a while. When that is complete, look for a link called "Free Updates/Utilities." Hit that and you will see a list of all the free downloads. Many of the first few on the list are OE's for various Bentley products. You will notice that not all Bentley products have OE's yet. Hmmm. Hopefully soon.

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