In many respects the survey helped us validate the value of the product features and ease of use. To whit, the respondents who:
- Found Ideate BIMLink easy to use = 87%
- Are using Ideate BIMLink to manage sheet-based data 6x or more per project = 34%
- Are using Ideate BIMLink to manage room based data = 93%
- Are using Ideate BIMLink to manage Furniture, Fixtures or Equipment Families = 72%, and Doors = 83%
What was most interesting to us was to learn about the unique ways in which our customers are using Ideate BIMLink today. Here’s a brief sampling
- Sun Shades (Generic Models) pushing heat transfer and sightline data from Excel into Revit objects
- Managing Large Volumes of Custom Sheet-based Data several customers are managing 10+ custom parameters per sheet. For a 100-sheet project that’s 1000 pieces of data to manage for each issued set (and lot of painful editing!)
- Restoring Lost Key Schedule Data after mistakenly deleting a Key Schedule, Ideate BIMLink was used to reconnect the Room Ids with the appropriate values for over 10 parameters x 100s of rooms in a matter of seconds preventing hours of lost time.
- Solar Panel Data the shaded areas are being represented on the facades with Filled Regions. Ideate BIMLink is used to export the areas of all these regions for further calculations
- Hospital Equipment producing data-rich BIM documents for hospitals is the only way to stay competitive. Ideate BIMLink is helping many of our customers populate reams of parameter data on a variety of families.
- Lighting Fixtures a lighting manufacturer is using BIMLink to manage a catalog of light fixture data across several product lines
N.C.A.R.B. – Director of Services
Glynnis is a Registered Architect and has worked within the BIM industry since 1998. A graduate of Carnegie Mellon University, she has worked as an architect, educator and construction site manager. Glynnis is currently the Director of Development Services at Ideate, Inc. and continues to work with AEC clients across the nation, developing, and implementing best practices solutions. In her spare time Glynnis is a member of the Morristown Environmental Commission and builds Lego projects.
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